Fallout 4 Update

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Bethesda’s recent “next-gen” update for Fallout 4 aimed to enhance the RPG but ended up causing more harm than good. The subsequent release of “Next-Gen Update 2” hasn’t fared much better, prompting fans to plead with Bethesda to stop further updates. Troubled Fallout 4 Updates Continue On April 25, Bethesda published an update for Fallout…

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How to Fix Overlapping Dialogue in Fallout 4 Hints & Tips

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Overlapping dialogue can be a frustrating issue for players of Fallout 4, hindering their ability to gather vital information from NPCs. Fortunately, there are solutions to rectify this problem, ensuring a smoother gaming experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to fix overlapping dialogue in Fallout 4. Understanding the Issue If you’re encountering overlapping dialogue…

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