Fallout 4 Update

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Bethesda's recent "next-gen" update for Fallout 4 aimed to enhance the RPG but ended up causing more harm than good. The subsequent release of "Next-Gen Update 2" hasn't fared much better, prompting fans to plead with Bethesda to stop further updates.

Troubled Fallout 4 Updates Continue

On April 25, Bethesda published an update for Fallout 4, its nearly decade-old post-apocalyptic open-world RPG. The patch had been teased years earlier but didn’t land until shortly after the launch of the Fallout show on Amazon. The “next-gen” update was intended to fix some old issues, improve performance, and, overall, make it a better game in 2024. Instead, it broke popular mods, caused a fan-developed expansion to be delayed, added new glitches, and was seen by many as unneeded. And Bethesda’s attempt to fix its blunder with another new update is going over about as well as a nuclear bomb blast.

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Mixed Reactions to "Next-Gen Update 2"

On May 13, following a recent announcement, Bethesda pushed out a new update for Fallout 4—“Next-Gen Update 2"—intended to fix up the last patch. The patch notes were shared on the day of the update and revealed it to be mainly focused on fixing performance on consoles and adding new settings options for those players. Players online report fewer crashes on PS5, and the annoying red texture bug seems to have been fixed. That’s about all the good news.

Persistent Issues and Player Frustration

Across social media, Reddit, and Steam forums, players have complained that bugs and problems introduced with the new update still remain. This includes a bug that makes VATS less reliable, a sound de-sync issue on PC, broken quests, lack of features like true ultra widescreen option on PC, and more. PC players are also annoyed that this new update has broken mods again, notably the Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE), which is the backbone for many popular mods.

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Call for Bethesda to Step Back

Many players are fed up with Bethesda’s Fallout 4 patches and just want the company to leave the game alone. Across the internet, PC players are begging the Starfield publisher to stop updating the game on Steam and let modders fix these problems instead. Their reasoning is that Bethesda seems unable or unwilling to fix certain things or to add much-requested features, and that modders do a better job at improving the game at this point.


In conclusion, Fallout 4 fans are growing increasingly frustrated with Bethesda's updates, as they seem to introduce more problems than they solve. Many players are urging the company to step back and let modders take the reins in improving the game. Whether Bethesda will heed these pleas remains to be seen.

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