DUCKSIDE: How to Craft a Base

duck in duckside holding an axe with fire behind him

Welcome to DUCKSIDE, the thrilling new beta game where survival meets creativity! In this dynamic world of duckside, how to craft a base is not just a necessity but an art form. Let's dive into the basics of setting up your haven amidst the wilderness.

Foraging for Supplies

Before you can erect your fortress, you'll need to gather essential resources: wood, fiber, and stone. These foundational materials will fuel your construction endeavors.

  1. Wood: Head into the thickets and forests, armed with a trusty axe. Swing away at the towering trees to collect ample wood for your structures.
  2. Fiber: Nature's bounty lies in the underbrush. Scour the surroundings for fibrous plants, crucial for reinforcing your constructions.
  3. Stone: Venture into rocky outcrops and mountainsides to harvest sturdy stone. It forms the backbone of your durable edifices.

create hammer

Crafting Your Tools

With your resources in tow, it's time to fashion the key to your architectural dreams: the hammer. Combine 5 logs to create this indispensable tool. Once equipped, your hammer becomes the conduit of your creative vision.

Building Your Base

Now comes the exciting part—constructing your base. Each element of your base requires a specific combination of resources:

  • Walls, Windows, Ceilings, and Doors: For each of these components, you'll need 5 logs and 5 fibers. Carefully place them to shape the layout of your refuge, ensuring both functionality and aesthetics.
  • Foundations: The sturdy base upon which your abode stands demands a hefty investment of 20 logs per foundation. Lay these down strategically to provide stability and security.

create idol

Claiming Your Territory

Once your base takes shape, it's time to assert your ownership. Craft an idol using 10 logs—a symbol of your dominion over the land. Place it within your base to mark your territory and deter would-be intruders.

With your base established and secured, you're ready to embark on adventures, forge alliances, and conquer the challenges of DUCKSIDE. Remember, in this world of endless possibilities, your base is not just a refuge but a testament to your ingenuity and resilience.

DUCKSIDE is officially testing with a live beta. Head over to the Steam Store to find out more. Happy crafting!

To build a base in Duckside you will need to gather essential resources: wood, fiber, and stone. These foundational materials will fuel your construction endeavors.

To Craft A Hammer in Duckside you will need 5 logs to create this indispensable tool.

To Build A Base In Duckside each element of your base requires a specific combination of resources:

  • Walls, Windows, Ceilings, and Doors: For each of these components, you'll need 5 logs and 5 fibers. Carefully place them to shape the layout of your refuge, ensuring both functionality and aesthetics.
  • Foundations: The sturdy base upon which your abode stands demands a hefty investment of 20 logs per foundation. Lay these down strategically to provide stability and security.

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