How to Get and Use the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite

How to Get and Use the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite image 1

In this 100-word guide, you'll learn how to get and use the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite. We'll cover where to find the new Tri-Beam Laser Rifle, how to unlock it, and tips for using it effectively. With the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle's rapid-fire triple laser bursts, you can take down opponents quickly at short to medium range.

How to Get the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite

Search Chests and Supply Drops

The Tri-Beam Laser Rifle can be found in chests and supply drops around the map. Drop into a match and open as many chests as possible to increase your chances of finding this powerful weapon. Supply drops contain rare loot, so chasing these down is also a good strategy for obtaining the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle.

Visit the Grotto or other High-Tier Locations

The Grotto and other major points of interest on the map have a higher chance of spawning rare chests that could contain the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle. Make your way to one of these locations and scour the area for chests and supply drops. Be on the lookout for other players dropping into these spots as well, as competition will be fierce.

Defeat Boss Enemies

Boss enemies like Shadow Henchmen, Ghost Henchmen, and The Grotto Boss have a higher chance of dropping rare loot when defeated, including the possibility of the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle. If you're feeling brave, try taking on one of these bosses in a match. Be prepared for a difficult fight, but the rewards could be worth it if you emerge victorious with the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in your inventory.

With some luck and persistence, following these strategies will increase your odds of finding the powerful Tri-Beam Laser Rifle. Once obtained, use its rapid-fire capability and laser-beam damage to gain an advantage over your opponents in a match. Victory could be within your grasp if you're able to fully utilize the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle's destructive potential.

Using the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite

How to Obtain the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle

To get the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite, you must first locate its blueprint. Blueprints for the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle can be found in chests and as floor loot, though they are of rare rarity, so searching thoroughly is key. Once you have obtained the blueprint, you will need to gather the necessary crafting materials, which include:

  • Mechanical Parts - Mechanical parts can be obtained by destroying vehicles, washing machines, driers, dishwashers and metal fences. •Energy Cells - Energy cells are a type of ammunition in Fortnite and can be found in ammo boxes and as floor loot.
  • Duct Tape - Duct tape spawns on the ground and in chests. Check garages, sheds and attics to find duct tape.

With the blueprint and materials in hand, open your inventory and select the blueprint to craft the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle.

Using the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle

The Tri-Beam Laser Rifle is a hitscan energy rifle that fires three laser beams in a triangular spread upon each trigger pull. It has a fast rate of fire and infinite range, though damage dropoff occurs at longer distances.

To effectively use the Rifle in Fortnite, aim for center mass at closer ranges to ensure all three laser beams hit the target, dealing high damage. At longer ranges, aim slightly above the target's head to account for the vertical spread of the beams. The Tri-Beam Laser Rifle is very effective at destroying structures, so use it to quickly destroy enemy builds and deal damage. However, it consumes Energy Cells rapidly, so be judicious in your shooting.

Tips for Maximizing the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite


To maximize the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle, employ strategic techniques. Position yourself at a high vantage point with cover, like a rooftop or tower. This provides an ideal line of sight to spot enemies at a distance and pick them off one by one. The Tri-Beam Laser Rifle deals high damage, so aim for headshots when possible to eliminate opponents quickly.

Pair with Close-Range Weapons

While the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle excels at long ranges, it suffers up close. Pair it with close-range weapons like shotguns, submachine guns or pistols. These provide protection if enemies get too close or ambush you. Switch between the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle and your close-range weapons as needed depending on your proximity to enemies.

Take Advantage of the Burst Fire

The Tri-Beam Laser Rifle fires three energy blasts in quick succession, which can overwhelm enemies. Aim slightly higher with each blast to compensate for recoil. At closer ranges, the burst fire deals massive damage, often eliminating opponents with a single trigger pull. Practice your aim to ensure all three blasts hit your target.

To maximize the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite, employ strategic positioning, pair it with close-range weapons, and take advantage of the burst fire mode. With practice, you'll be eliminating enemies from a distance in no time and dominating the battlefield. Continuously improve your skills to gain a competitive edge against other players seeking to get and use the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle.


In summary, learning how to get and use the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite can greatly improve your gameplay. With the tips provided in this article on how to get and use the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite, you now have the knowledge needed to obtain this powerful weapon. Equip the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite for increased damage and accuracy. Use the techniques described to boost your skills with the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite. Implementing this advice on how to get and use the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite will make you a better player. With the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in Fortnite in your arsenal, you'll dominate the battlefield.

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