Major Weapon Nerf Detailed in Destiny 2 Patch Notes
A Major Weapon Nerf Detailed in Destiny 2 Patch Notes has sent ripples through the community. Bungie has announced a significant reduction in the damage output of one of the most powerful weapons in the game, the sniper rifle Still Hunt, particularly when used with the Exotic helmet Celestial Nighthawk by Hunters.
The Nerf Explained
Destiny 2 Patch Notes Weapon Changes
Bungie released Update today, and while most changes address minor issues, one line stands out:
"Reduced Still Hunt's Golden Gun damage while using Celestial Nighthawk by 33%."
This Destiny 2 weapon nerf impacts a setup that has become a favorite among players for high-level content, including raids and dungeons.

Still Hunt's Golden Gun Stats
Major Weapon Nerf Destiny 2: How the Build Worked
Golden Gun, a Super ability for Hunters, deals significant damage, especially on critical hits. Still Hunt, introduced in the Final Shape expansion, can transform into a Golden Gun for all classes. Hunters using the Celestial Nighthawk helmet, which boosts Golden Gun damage, have been using this combination to achieve massive damage numbers.
Impact on Gameplay
Destiny 2 Update Weapon Nerf and Meta Shifts
The Destiny 2 patch notes weapon changes are aimed at rebalancing the game. Overpowered builds like the Golden Gun/Celestial Nighthawk/Still Hunt setup often limit player creativity. Bungie aims to prevent any single build from becoming the only viable option for end-game content.

Still Hunt's Golden Gun
Future Viability: Destiny 2 Latest Patch Weapon Nerf
Despite the nerf, the Still Hunt sniper rifle remains a potent weapon. The combination of Celestial Nighthawk and Golden Gun has been a staple for Hunters throughout Destiny 2, and the build will likely continue to be effective, though perhaps not as dominant as before.
The Destiny 2 weapon nerf 2024 marks a significant change in the game's balance. While it reduces the damage output of a popular build, it opens up opportunities for new strategies and player creativity. Players can look forward to exploring different setups and adapting to the evolving meta in Destiny 2.
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